Welcome to my blog ( not the first ones ). This place will become a place for me to share my opinion, joy, sad , or anything that I've been experienced in my life or anything else.

Let's just starting it then..

Hi, My name is YukiYumeina ( an alias ), you can call me Yuki. Sometimes you have to make a small move if you want to get something big ( if you don't make a move , what else you got than nothing , right..?).

I've been lived in a small town in a country somewhere within SEA ( South East Asean ) region.
I'll introduce myself in a few question..

Are you a native in there..?
" yes .."

Are you a male or female..?
" of course , i am a male"

Why you naming yourself Yuki then..?
"well , i love a Japanese stuff like a manga, anime, music ( maybe language too)  so i naming myself Yuki".

Do you have a relative..?
" i have 2 big sis and a big brother ".

Is the Japanese stuff is the only you like..?
" a big NO , there many thing that i like,  too many to describe it one by one".

How old are you..?
"Are you sure want to know..? i was around *beeep* this year".

What kind of person are you..?
"hmmm...i am a person who's sometime can be wise , sometime crazy , sometime lazy , a little naive , a bit egoistical , get boring fast , always try hard , never give up , kinda funny ".

What you want to be in the future..?
" huh ... Is this an interview for getting a job ...? ".

What kind of food do you like...?
"The number one of course it's an instant noodles. Fast , Easy , Cheap.. :P ( don't be like me , it's not healthy).

Do you have a hobby..?
" yeah..i likes to watching a horror movies , read a novel or web novel , and a bit sport".

Okay everyone...
That's a bit of myself that you can know , nothing much but you can imagine what kind of person i am.
See you next time and remember 


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